Cheese is normally not indicated as the most Weight-Loss-Friendly Food because of his high percentage of calories. Moreover, in the wide Italian cuisine panorama, there are two exceptions. They are...Read more
The very first time I heard about it, I thought it was a reinterpretation of the famous Liguria’s sauce. I was wrong. In Parma, when you say pesto, you only...Read more
“Non esiste un documento storico che dica quando è nata la maschera”. Inizia così, il racconto di Dsèvod (al secolo Maurizio Trapelli), che mi accoglie nei locali della Famija Pramzana,...Read more
Sea air and alpine breezes. As for the ham in Parma also the mushrooms of Borgotaro benefit him the same climate. A meeting that produces a type of mushroom, maximally...Read more
The ice cream exceeds the borderline between sweet and savory, goes out from the cone and goes back in the dish. Tired of the usual tastes? Well, because we have...Read more
"My cooking has changed with me, I have learned the fundamentals of classic cooking, I have researched the most innovative techniques, I worked on raw materials finding the best suppliers,...Read more
Six hectares of earth with six centuries of history. It seems, in fact, that already in 1400 in the region called Bassa Parmense, the lowest area in the region of...Read more
I am Italian from Martina Franca and I came to Parma for study journalism at the University. The first thing I did in Parma was to search a place where...Read more
The tortelli , it is known, they are one of the best dishes in Parma and the Bassa Parmense but for Valentina, a young blogger in Codogno with the passion...Read more
Thanks to its workshops, trattorias, food companies and restaurants, Parma, the capital of the Food Valley, received a great acknowledgement: it’s the first Italian city to be rewarded by UNESCO...Read more
Pisa-Parma: 170 km, 2 hours away, but the journey that we do today will not be by car but through the taste of the cheeses which unite these two cities...Read more
Il nostro “segreto di famiglia” è il mantenimento di un metodo di produzione artigianale e tradizionale: ingredienti accuratamente scelti e provenienti da produttori certificati si accompagnano ad una lavorazione che...Read more
Dalle mani delle massaie viene fatto l'anolino, che cotto in un brodo di manzo e cappone diventa davvero un cosa stupenda, un cosa così grande, così buona e così sana...Read more
Il suo gusto unico e inimitabile è il ritorno da un lungo viaggio in nove secoli di storia, in una campagna fertile che va dall’Appennino al Po. Probabilmente è il...Read more
When it speaks of sheep it makes a big work to imagine her on the hills or on the mountains of the Appennino emiliano. Usually the effort demanded to the...Read more
“Everything started in September 2002, when we returned from a trip from Germany and we decided to wager on an event far out of the classical food events ” With...Read more
Campora giace su un altopiano che si estende sulla vallata, ricco di piante e di campi coltivati, ai piedi del monte Fuso, nel suo lato settentrionale. Il paese di Campora...Read more
Il Pomodoro Riccio di Parma è una varietà antica che si tramanda dal 1867 che oggi viene riscoperta e custodita da cinque agricoltori custodi che ne assicurano la produzione e...Read more
Al termine della stagione estiva, quando le temperature si fanno leggermente più miti e ci abbandona la calura estiva, capita non di rado di assistere a rovesci temporaleschi dalla discreta...Read more
It seems strange to think that a product of the earth, like the truffle- a hypogeum mushroom belonging to the family of Tuberaceae - grows where there was once a...Read more
I worked in France and it is an experience that helped me to understand how important the product is, but also to know how to sell and tell it. POLESINE...Read more
Complex is the plot of events that surrounds the Castle of Torrechiara, a wonderful fortress dominating Val Parma; the one that has attracted more attention over the centuries is the...Read more
Gourmet resurrection. The chestnut tortelli are back and accompanied by the best known tortelli d'erbetta, pumpkin and potatoes tortelli, they form a quartet that the people who come to Parma...Read more
Perhaps the immobility of the things around us it is imposed on them by our certainty that those and not others are the things, by the immobility of our thinking...Read more
The Municipality of Langhirano, with the editing of Gabriele Rozzi, has recently published a book of recipes drawn from the cooking notebooks of Emma Agnetti Bizzi, an important langhiranese society’s...Read more